Wednesday, July 13, 2005

More Shameless Promotion

(Not self-promotion, mind you. Unsolicited, too!)

Jim Baumer's book, When Towns Had Teams, reached another milestone when Baumer announced the formation of River Vison Press, his DIY publishing company. The book is on schedule for a fall release, and River Vision is accepting pre-orders after August 1st. I have had several discussions with the author over the last several months, and I eagerly await the release of the book. It promises to evoke nostalgia not just for the type of baseball that really isn't prevalent these days, but also for the small-town Maine culture as it existed following World War II.

We're pretty heavily focused on the Sea Dogs here at Joe's SeaBlog, but there is always time for baseball at all other levels. The love of baseball is a lifelong passion for many, it doesn't stop when we realize that we don't have the talent to move to the next level (or to remain at our current level). Town team ball provided an outlet for many players who wanted to continue playing for the love of the game. Local adult amateur baseball is now primarily played by college kids looking for competition in the summer. The leagues have diminished in number and lack the types of legendary characters who play well into their 40's (and beyond). When Towns Had Teams will revisit those simpler days gone by and will be a worthy read. I encourage all of my readers to check out River Vision Press, and to return after August 1st to place your orders.


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