Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Sea Blog takes a short vacation

The Sea Blog takes a brief hiatus as I head to Florida for my nephew's wedding. The Dogs are 5-0 as I write this, as Charlie Zink pitched a nice game on Monday to go knuckle-to-knuckle with Wakefield's gem against the Yankees. I was scheduled to work last night's game (Tuesday), but it was snowed out. April in Maine, Baby! I was looking forward to seeing Papelbon pitch, but selfishly speaking this really worked out well for me, as it would have been tough to get the input done before I left (I would have had to do it when I got home last night). Thanks to Dave, the #1 Friend of the Sea Blog, for offering to help with the game setup, but it wasn't necessary.

While I'm out, if anybody wants to comment on any Sea Dogs action, feel free to use the "comments" section on this post.


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